
Let’s Learn to Cook!

Want to eat better, healthier, tastier food? Hire Green Eyes Kitchen!

Don’t have the time or interest in cooking? Book an at-home cooking session!

Want to learn how to prepare simple and flavorful meals for yourself? Book a cooking class to get creative in the kitchen with me!

Food and cooking has been a passion of mine since I was a child. While not formally trained, all of my skills and techniques come from years of practice, failure, and learning from others—my mom and granmothers, friends and family, home cooks, Food Network, cookbooks, and online videos.

For over a decade, I have been cooking and eating plant-based; it is a journey of self-education and experimentation. My curisoity and hunger led me to develop my own style and flavor of cooking-inspired by cuisines from around the world- for which I love to share with my clients. Plant based eating is not just a diet but a lifestyle centered around health and wellness. The exciting thing about food is that there is always more to learn from recipes to techniques and traditions.

So, if you are looking to eat healthier or learn how to prepare nutritious, satisfying, and delicious plant-based meals, sign up for a cooking session today!